The import of live animals, animal by-products, germoplasm and feed is subject to veterinary border controls. These controls are carried out at ports or airports which must be approved as Border Control Posts or Points of Entry depending on the nature of the goods. You can consult the list of authorized facilities in the following link:
To know more about the health requirements for the import of live commercial animals whose import requirements are harmonized at EU level (e.g. sheep, cattle, goats, pigs, horses, poultry, fish, dogs, cats and ferrets, bees and bumblebees), please consult the following link:
To know more about the health requirements for the import of commercial live animals whose import requirements are NOT harmonized at EU level (e.g. animals for experimentation, zoological institutions, circuses, exhibitions, exotic animals to be sold as pets...) you can consult the following documents:
Generally speaking, the import requirements for live animals and products of animal origin, germoplasm and animal by-products are harmonized at EU level and therefore laid down in Community Decisions and Regulations.
However, there are certain live animals and animal products for which there are no rules at EU level and which must therefore be accompanied for import into Spain by national model import certificates.
To know more about the health requirements for the import of products of animal origin intended for human consumption (meat, fish, dairy products, etc.), check the Ministry of Health website
To know more about health requirements for the import of products of animal origin NOT intended for human consumption (fishmeal, hides, wool, blood, etc.) please refer to the following document:
For health requirements for the import of products of germoplasm (semen, oocytes and embryos) please refer to the following document:
To know more about health requirements for the import of feeding stuff of non-animal origin (e.g. cereals, oilseeds, additives, compound feed not containing products of animal origin...), please check: